As an artist, there is a fine line we walk between history and the future. We are supposed to capture our time, interpret the past, and start molding the future. With a big important job like that, the artist needs its muse. My boss uses the Miracle of Fatima, also called the Miracle of the Sun, or October Sun. When Jeanne needs inspiration, peace, or strength, this is the well she draws from. I have found my own hope through the same miraculous chalice of revelations.
The story goes that there were three children in Fatima, Portugal (ages 7,9, and 10). They encountered the Virgin Mary by where they watched over sheep. Mary gave a promise to meet those children on the 13th of the next six months. Mary's final visit was on 0ct. 13, 1917. By then there was a crowd of about 70,000 people looking for a miracle. They got one that took place in the sky for the audience to witness. The sun danced or zigzagged depending on the viewer. Mary of the Rosary brought a miracle for those special enough to witness, along with some prophesies and warnings. Mary also told of the importance of the Rosary. So, what power does the Rosary enhance in us? It restores peace in ourselves, in our homes, with our neighbors, and of course with God.
At October Sun Studio, in the yard in the back, Mary is the Guardian of the Garden. The garden this year has started with flowers, that the trees and bushes welcomed to their yard. In years to come, more foliage will find a home there. Also, a grotto for Mary will be constructed in her honor. At October Sun you will create a way to find your creativity. You will grow in talent and confidence. You will also find tranquility, calmness and inner peace. We have a Worry Tree where you can deposit your negative energy, and recharge with the light of promise.
Like I said, the artist desires their muse. We draw, build, malleate, and paint because it is our life energy. It shines in us, so we can brighten those who surround us. Mary had the sun dance to thousands to inspire them. To direct them to better things. Jeanne has a vision to enhance and brighten those that come in contact with her. She is developing a Miracle for the artists she touches. For what she is creating on a human level, it makes sense to call it October Sun Studios.
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